God is always speaking. But there is a secret to hearing His voice. It will not be heard above the excited babble and din of the throng. He will not shout to drown other voices that clamor to be heard. He waits till all other voices are stilled and you have put away from your heart and mind all your own striving, and the din of the multitude who shouts for your attention has completely died away. You must become insensible to the sound of all other voices and hear only the voice of His Spirit speaking to your spirit.
There is a wonderful peace in silence. When your brain is wracked to a turmoil and you have examined every avenue for a solution to the exasperating problems that confront you only to find that your search leads you to greater confusion, it is time for silence, repentance, and listening to the voice of Jesus. He will speak and give His wisdom, but not until all other voices are silent and all other wisdom has become foolishness. Be still and know that I am God. "Then He breaketh the bow, maketh war to cease, cutteth the spear in sunder, burneth the chariot in the fire, and is exalted among the heathen in all the earth."( Ps. 45) It was after the earthquake, the fire, and the terrific wind that Elijah wrapped his head in this mantel and listened to the still small voice of God. "He leadeth me beside sitll waters", said David. "Be still and know that I am God."
When God speaks to your heart He will not simply help you decide between two or more opinions already in your mind. When He speaks it
is revolutionary and the opinions of men are discarded for they are always contrary to His will. We will never find God building on the old
foundations we have laid. He will throw down every stone and build a temple after His own order. - George R. Hawtin
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