"You are commanded to 'count yourselves..alive to God in Christ Jesus' (Rom. 6:11). But his life can work in power only as you seek to know it, to yield to it, and to let it have full possession of you. If you do this, one of the most important things to see is that just as it was by virtue of the Spirit of holiness that Christ was raised, so also the Spirit of that same holiness must be in you the mark and the power of your life."
"What was the secret of that holiness? The key lies here: 'Here I am...I have come to do your will, O God" (Heb. 10:7) '..a life in the will of God is a life of holiness."
"In not one single thing is our own will to be done: Jesus, who only did the Father's will, must rule our lives in every aspect. To 'stand firm in all the will of God' must be the purpose, the prayer, the expectation of the disciple."
"Many a believer has found that a few simple words of dedication, expressive of the purpose to do God's will in everything, have been an entrance into the joy and power of the resurrection life previously unknown."
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